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About ReCarbn

ReCarbn develops Direct Air Capture technology to remove gigatons of CO₂ from the atmosphere in an affordable, energy-efficient and easily scalable way, thereby helping to limit global warming to 1.5 °C. Our goal is to extract 10 times as much CO₂ as we emit. Moreover, our young and ambitious team combines years of experience in carbon capturing technology and is complemented with commercial business and financial backgrounds. The ReCarbn technology has been developed at the University of Twente since 2012.

ReCarbn sets itself apart from other DAC companies through our innovative technology which uses a circulating solid sorbent mechanism, allowing for reduced energy consumption and cycle time compared to conventional fixed bed process technologies. In addition, our DAC technology has a higher productivity and an easy-to-scale design. However, it is important to note that our uniqueness is not just about the technology itself, our passionate team, combined with years of expertise is driving our innovation. You can find our dedicated team on the website.

While our team is busy working on making the world a better place, we have set up a link for you to support us in our journey. We appreciate every contribution made towards our hard work and well-being.  

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Direct Air Capture

Direct Air Capture (DAC) is a type of technology using a chemical process that removes carbon dioxide from the air at any location. Sometimes referred to as a Negative Emissions Technology (NET), DAC systems extract CO₂ directly from the ambient atmosphere. ReCarbn’s DAC technology then filters the air with a circulating solid sorbent mechanism to release the CO₂-lean air back into the atmosphere. However, we are also left with a stream of nearly pure CO₂. The CO₂ can be permanently stored in deep geological formations (thereby achieving negative emissions or carbon removal) or utilized for a variety of applications: long-lived durable products such as building materials, food and beverage processing, or combined with hydrogen to produce synthetic fuels. 

Although often perceived as a single type of technology, Direct Air Capture (DAC) systems encompass various engineered methods. These methods employ heat, moisture, pressure, or electricity to extract CO₂ from the air across different scales, ranging from large-scale standalone industrial facilities to building-integrated applications.

Currently, four approaches prevail: (1) chemical liquid solvent DAC and (2) chemical solid sorbent DAC. Despite their distinctions, these technologies share a common objective: selectively removing CO₂ from ambient air (approximately 415 ppm) through contact with a basic solution (chemical liquid solvents) or a modified basic surface (chemical solid sorbents). The last two approaches are namely: (3) membranes and (4) cryogenic. A more detailed description of each of the different approaches can be found here.

ReCarbn’s technology uses a circulating solid sorbent mechanism to capture and filter the CO₂ to produce free air that can be either stored permanently or used in other industries.

Nature-based carbon removal, such as afforestation, reef restoration and rewilding of mangrove forests, are crucial for reaching carbon neutrality by 2050. However, they are insufficient on their own. Given the enduring presence of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere for thousands of years, it is essential to permanently extract billions of tons of CO₂ within the next decade. While halting emissions is crucial, it is no longer sufficient. Specifically, to limit temperature rise to 1.5°C, significant reductions in CO₂ emissions by 2050 are necessary. Thus, industrial carbon removal methods, like Direct Air Capture (DAC), are also necessary to offset residual emissions from challenging sectors like aviation, maritime shipping, and specific industrial processes. Additionally, DAC is essential for mitigating legacy emissions and reducing CO₂ concentration in the atmosphere to safer levels. 

Direct Air Capture (DAC) plays an important role in achieving net zero. It provides the highest-quality carbon dioxide removals in terms of scalability, permanence and verifiability. Future capture cost estimates for DAC are still wide-ranging, reflecting the early stage of technology development. According to the European Commission, future estimates suggest that the costs of removal methods range from €122 to €539 per ton.

Boston Consulting Group has indicated in their research that to be adopted widely the total cost of DAC needs to fall below $200/€183.68 (USD/EUR = 0.92) per ton CO₂ to be adopted widely. Nonetheless, with deployment and innovation, capture costs could fall to under €200/tCO₂. It is worth noting that DAC costs are dependent on the capture technology (e.g. solid- or liquid-based technologies), energy costs (e.g. price of heat and electricity), specific plant configuration and financial assumptions. Hence, in locations with high renewable energy potential and using the best available technologies for electricity and heat generation, DAC costs could fall below €200/tCO₂ by 2050.  

The captured CO₂ can either be stored permanently underground in geological locations or used in other industries for various applications. It can be used either directly (in other words, when it is not chemically altered) or indirectly (when it is transformed) in different products. This includes mainly permanent storage of carbon dioxide, production of chemicals & e-fuels, and direct use of CO₂ in gas form. 

Combined with the permanent storage of CO₂, DAC effectively eliminates greenhouse gases, aiming to offset the overall carbon emissions. Thus, this approach emerges as a powerful strategy for generating negative emissions in the fight against climate change. Corporations can actively contribute to secure carbon storage by purchasing carbon credits associated with these projects, thereby supporting the advancement of this vital technology. It enables businesses to offset their hard-to-abate carbon emissions, contributing to a collective effort to achieve a carbon-neutral future. 

CO₂ captured with DAC, together with green hydrogen, can be converted into various chemicals. One promising example is methanol. This chemical can be used as a low-carbon fuel in transportation and as feedstock in the production of many chemicals and materials (such as plastics), reducing the reliance on fossil fuels. Captured CO₂ by DAC in combination with green hydrogen can also be used to produce e-fuels (synthetic fuels). 

The direct use of CO₂ in gas form presents an innovative circular approach in various industries. For instance, in greenhouse horticulture, the direct use of CO₂ in gas form offers a sustainable solution for enhancing plant growth. CO₂ captured through DAC can be injected into greenhouse environments to optimize photosynthesis, promoting healthier and more robust plant development. 

It’s true that natural processes like photosynthesis in trees, plants, and oceans play a crucial role in absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. However, relying solely on these natural mechanisms won’t be sufficient to address the scale of the climate crisis we face. To effectively combat climate change, we need a multifaceted approach that includes Direct Air Capture (DAC) alongside other solutions. DAC offers a means to actively remove CO₂ from the atmosphere at a scale and pace that complements natural processes.  

While planting trees is indeed beneficial, it’s important to recognize its limitations. Trees take time to grow and sequester carbon effectively, and their effectiveness as carbon sinks diminishes over time. Moreover, the carbon stored in trees is only temporary, as it’s released back into the atmosphere when the tree dies or decomposes unless properly managed through techniques like Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS). By embracing a diverse portfolio of solutions like DAC, alongside natural carbon sinks, renewable energy, energy efficiency, and other mitigation strategies, we can increase our chances of successfully combating climate change while minimizing risks and costs. It’s about leveraging a combination of approaches tailored to different contexts and challenges around the world. 

At ReCarbn, we understand the significance of minimizing carbon emissions throughout the entire lifecycle of our operations. We are committed to achieving a high capture efficiency of 90%, meaning that for every 10 kg of CO₂ we capture, we aim to emit only 1 kg. Aiming to capture 10 times as much as we emit, this ensures that our DAC technology is effective in reducing overall carbon emissions from the atmosphere. Furthermore, we recognize the importance of conducting thorough lifecycle analyses by third parties at every step of our process to ensure that our goal of maintaining a low carbon footprint is met. By carefully examining the environmental impact of sourcing materials, manufacturing, installation, and operation, we strive to minimize emissions and uphold our commitment to sustainability. 

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